Population & Growth

Population Limits
There is no upper limit to the number of NFT items a player can hold, and no upper limit to the number of in-game characters. However, to improve gameflow and tokenomics a number of incentives will exist to remove NFT from the game, thereby preventing excessive inflation and loss of value. These incentives include the following:

  • Maintenance & Repairs – a cost for maintenance and upkeep of significant assets will exist. The level of this cost will scale depending on the size and value of items. While the cost will be small, when scaled to include large numbers of assets in storage this can add up and will encourage players not to hoard.
  • Reclamation – certain complex items will have the ability to breakdown at the forge in return for base assets, for example, some weapons can be disassembled into base metals and technology that a player can reuse in further crafting. The destruction of these complex NFT will help to control market scarcity of higher level items, not only to maintain their value but also to deprive competitors of access to them, adding another layer of game strategy.
  • From time to time, the game will buy-back and burn NFT using the RVN collected for Maintenance & Repairs (above). The frequency of such purchases and burning will be directly tied to the revenue obtained through this mechanism. The removal of assets in this way will not only generate NFT revenue for players, it will help to control NFT inflation within the game. 
  • Certain modes of tournament (last man standing) gameplay will be introduced as sub-games to the Mektropolis metaverse. Players who chose to game in this way must ‘stake’ a certain value of their in-game NFT to take part. Should they win the tournament, as the last man standing they will receive 50% of all the ‘losers’ staked NFT (50% of all NFT staked by other players) as a prize. All other staked NFT will be burned (meaning all losers will forfeit the staked NFT), which will again help to reduce NFT inflation in game.