Tokens are not only used to store your player and equipment statistics, they are also used to apply upgrades (or downgrades) to gear. For example, increasing the power pack for a unit may allow it to cycle charges faster and be used for longer, while armour upgrades may improve the durability and combat survivability of a unit.
To keep things simple the game utilises a common approach level-up in the range 1 to 10 for each item. As a player progresses their levels up they have the option to release some or all of the value in the previous level (depending on the upgrade type) to trade or sell as a token with another player, producing income to themselves.
The following example explains:
1) A player has a battle mek with a ‘level 2 power pack token’ installed.
2) They receive an additional ‘level 2 power pack token’, but their battle mek can only carry one power pack, The game has a crafting module that allows a player to combine existing tokens to make new ones, the original tokens are burned / lost in the process (literally, they vanish from the blockchain) and a new token is issued at the improved level (not all tokens are the same quality, so outcomes can vary). This is a foundry system that will be well understood to most players, although we perform the record keeping on the blockchain to secure the information.
3) The foundry indicates (in test mode, not yet confirmed transaction) that they can create a new ‘level 2.5 power pack token’, which is less than they had hoped for, but still an improvement, a glance at the marketplace shows the value of ‘level 2 power tokens’ is high at the moment, so the player chooses to sell / trage the token to another player and keep their original level.
This is an example of real-world economics in the game of Mektropolis, such microtransactions occur all the time and allow players to buy, sell or trade their units to a higher level, or simply to accumulate RVN to their digital wallets for other purposes.