Dukes & Duchesses
At the pinnacle of the ordinary nobility are the Dukes and Duchesses, being the grandest and highest-ranking of the noble classes, second only to the reigning monarchs and their closest family members, such as Princes and Princesses.
A Marquess is the next level of noble below the Dukes. They are important military figures and close aides to the rulers. Marquesses are among the highest of nobles, enjoying great wealth, influence and esteem.
Counts and Countesses
A Count (female form Countess) is a high-ranking military or government official granted authority over a specific region. Counts are generally regarded to be of lower status than a Duke or Marquess.
The title Viscount stems from the role of a Vice-Count, which, as the name suggests, was originally the assistant to a Count. The role of Viscount is often an administerial position, working for or alongside the more powerful Counts. Over the centuries, however, the noble rank of Viscount has acquired much esteem and influence, often in addition to vast wealth and great swathes of land.
Barons are ranked at the lower end of the nobility hierarchy, but as nobles they are often the closest companion to the ruling nobles, and a most trusted advisor in battle.
Knight & Lord
A Knight is a warrior lord, and holds a position slightly higher for this reason. Both Knights and Lords are among the oldest of noble titles, being originally granted their status by the ruling family of the time. Knights and Lords are both regarded as the lower ranks within the noble classes.
Citizen & Squire
Citizen or Squire are the lowest recognised level in the nobility hierarchy. The only way is up from here.